This end of terrace cottage in Norfolk had a serious damp problem for many years due to the wrong advice given by various builders and surveyors. The front and back elevation showed no internal damp at all, however the large flank 
wall was a different story,  this internal wall was saturated in every room.
The client had bee told that it was rising damp, penetrating damp, condensation, and that a new DPC, and good quality Masonry paint would solve the problem, however within months of the work finishing the problem got worse and
the paint was already peeling, the builder was long gone with the clients money and the guarantee was worthless.

The client contacted us for a free survey and  advice on our opinion on what was causing the problem. As a company
that have carried out thousands of contracts throughout the UK we have come across almost every damp problem in relation to external wall dampness.

Our experienced surveyor using various techniques found the problem straight away

1 /    The haunching under the tiles on the flank elevation was cracked and coming away from the tiles . This allowed
        rain water to enter the top of the wall and over the years completely saturate the internal walls.

2 /    The wall at some time in the past had been painted with Black Bitumen Paint ( quite common in this area )
        in the hope of waterproofing the solid 9" brick wall. This is the worst  type of paint to use as it stops the wall

3 /    The pointing was in a very bad way and this again had allowed water to enter the wall , large areas of the wall had 
        no pointing and had just been painted out in the hope that this would stop rain penetrating the wall

4 /    The masonry paint used to cover the bitumen was a complete waste of money and had made matters worse
Our client that owns this beautiful house in Norfolk has painstakingly renovated this property over a 2year period
to almost its originol condition when first built in 1850 apart from a few modern and high tec improvements.
The property had been empty for almost 5 years and had fallen badly into disrepair. MASTEX  was asked to carry out repair and spraying works to the exterior walls, 
A fine  textured finish was requested by the owner to hide some of the bad repairs to the render that had
been carried out over the years

As one of the longest established companies offering sprayed textured wall coatings
in the UK we offer our advice to our clients from ( 40 years ) experience in this field as
to the best system / product for there own particular property.

In our opinion there is not one product that is suitable for all of the diverse surfaces
we encounter .......brick, stone, render, lath, cob, timber frame, .......the movement
of each material is different and requires a different approach and product for the
successfully long term protection of the property.

As an independent company we look at our " clients needs " and will recommend the best system that will give permanent long term results.

The properties to the right was  2 houses that we treated in LARGS SCOTLAND
both of the properties belonged to the same family , Situated right on the beach both properties was suffering from extreme damp due to the corrosive salt laden air and
extreme weather conditions during the winter months.

Built of local stone ( solid ) walls and rendered, internal walls in the property was always cold and very damp. The property was being painted every 2 years due to the local climate. during a heavy storm the waves from the sea would hit the rear elevation
facing the sea. causing considerable damage to the property. It was decided that even a traditional coating would be hard pressed to combat this, as a result we used TEXKOTE WB an advanced
watebased elastomeric coating as used on the north sea oil rigs.

Built of brick, block, and rendered, this house needed a different approach the the boat house,. Set back a bit further from the beach the house was a bit more protected from the sea waves. However after the client showed us excessive internal damp and horizontal cracks we decided to use and endoscope to check on the cavity wall ties,
result was that almost all of the ties on the sea facing elevation was corroded and would need to be replaced. The soffits on the property was asbestos and had a large overhang in ( 3 feet ) in some places, we decided to use the same product used on the boat house, due to it being an approved encapsulate for asbestos. and excellent flexibility to take up any movement on the house walls.
Telephone us for a free survey and quotation ( no obligation )  Tel : 0203-693-3797 or use the contact form below
MASTEX  : We are specialists in high pressure sprayed coatings and thermal renders for the protection and renovation of any type of exterior
wall surface
If your property suffers from any of the above problems then we have the experience, products, and systems to eliminate the constant cycle of
maintenance for the next 20 years.

Our products are specially designed for the long term protection of masonry surfaces that will outlast conventional masonry paint by 5 times , and due to the application techniques will provide better coverage giving a unique uniform finish unobtainable by conventional methods.

Our free survey would show up problems that are
obvious and some that are not.
Many properties in the UK suffer from weather damage including :

>  Cracks in rendering
>  Mortar erosion between brick or stone 
>  Algae, moss, and algae
>  Hollow render / pebbledash / Tyrolean.
>  Loose & cracked paintwork
>  Eroded brick / stone.
>  Penetrating damp.
>  Repair scars blemishes.
>  Constant need to repaint wall surfaces
>  Dirty, unsightly, appearance
>  General surface erosion.
>  No insulation
>  Structural cracks
>  Wall tie erosion ( showing heave )
>  Water penetration around frames.
>  Rising damp.
>  Blistering / peeling paintwork.

What ever the problem we have the experience
products, and systems to end the cycle of 
maintenance for in excess of 20 years.

MASTEX EXTERIOR WALL COATINGS protect your property from the never ending cycle of extreme weather conditions
that are constantly attacking the fabric of your property. To most people there biggest investment in life is there property,
it makes sense to take care of the fabric and keep it weatherproof against the ravages of the British weather.
See how we transformed and protected this property on the beach in Sussex. ( Gallery Page ) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Converted Boat House Largs Scotland built 1830 solid walls 
in stone and rendered
Traditional house built in 1950 ( cavity wall construction ) rendered and painted
Please click on pictures below to enlarge
This beautiful house is situated high up on the cliff top in Broadstairs Kent, highly exposed to the
changeable weather of the English channel. Built around 1930 by an English sea captain with a 
turret at the side to resemble the bridge on a ship. the views from this was spectacular.

The property however had seen better days and required extensive works to the external walls
due to major damp problems throughout the property. The client was also painting this property every 3 years , with rising costs and scaffolding it was becoming impracticable from a financially point of view. 
The property was cavity wall construction inner and outer leafs built in fletton bricks, on inspection
as with many coastal properties the fish tail wall ties was corroded and would need replacing in several areas. The flat roof to the turret was made of zinc, this was however leaking and it was decided to apply our  seamless coating to seal it and the large flat roof view point areas.

The house was very sound with no movement cracks, although large areas of render needed replacing there was no structural damage to the walls.
The property had lots of repair scars over the years and it was decided  with the client to use a solvent based coating with a coarse texture to hide existing scars.
Please click on pictures to enlarge
1/  Needle gun all areas to remove and perforate 
     existing paint/ Bitumen
2 /  Power wash all areas and apply a biocide
3/  Remove and repoint haunching under tiles
     using a waterproof compound.
4/  Bag point areas of missing pointing.
5/  Apply a stain block to neutralise the Bitumen
6/  Mask up all areas not to be treated.
7/  Apply a special highly breathable primer to
    prepared wall areas.
8/  Apply by high pressure TEXKOTE 
    coating to all wall areas as per spec
9/  Clean up and demask on completion leaving
     property clean and tidy.

Please click on picture to enlarge
Please click on photo to enlarge
>    Eliminates Painting.

>    Allows walls to breath.

>    Eliminates penetrating damp.

>    Insulates.

>    Flexible & Durable.

>    No maintenance required.

>    Resists dirt, algae, mould,

>    Eliminates cracking and peeling.

>    Repels wind, rain, snow, ice, and frost

>    Covers defects and gives a uniform finish

>    Available in a range of colours .

>    Guaranteed for 15 years.

>    Thicker than 25 coats of paint.

>    Self cleaning surface.

CASE STUDY : DOVER  KENT COAST  Completed  2015  :  ( UPDATED June 2017 ) 
This property was near Dover Kent was suffering from severe damp problems due to the eroded external rendering. Our client required a complete overall of the external walls that would stop the damp and give a long life maintenance free finish. Extensive structural repairs was needed to remove and replace many of the concrete window and door lintels due to cracking and erosion of the steel reinforcement.
*    Remove and replace all damaged concrete lintels

*    Remove and replace all blown render

*    Needle gun all painted areas to be treated.

*    Power wash all areas to be treated

*    Apply a biocide to all areas.

*    Mask all areas not to be treated.

*    Apply a primer coat to all areas.

*    Trowel fill all imperfections.

*    Apply top coat ( fine texture TEXKOTE Coating ) by 
     heavy duty spray equipment to all prepared areas.

*    De-mask and clean up .

*    Remove from site all resulting debris / rubbish
Sitting beneath the WHITE. CLIFFS OF DOVER this property that once belonged to Noel Coward and Ian Fleming was in  URGENT need of weatherproofing.
Please click on a picture to enlarge
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MASTEX PAVINGIndustrial CommercialReviewsHealth & SafetyCase Studies 1Case Studies 2Case Studies 3Case Studies 4Case Studies 5Case Studies 6

You Tube Video showing this group of properties directly on the beach under
the white cliffs of Dover 
Kemp House, 152-169 City Road, London EC1V 2NX
Telephone : 0203-693-3797.  Email :
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MASTEX PAVINGIndustrial CommercialReviewsHealth & SafetyCase Studies 1Case Studies 2Case Studies 3Case Studies 4Case Studies 5Case Studies 6

Helping Climate Change through sustainable building systems
High-Performance Coating Systems For External Walls
Our walls and roofs are under constant attack from the elements 24 hours a day 365 days a year