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MASTEX  Health and Safety Statement and General Policy
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Working on Residential / Commercial / Industrial properties requires us to conform to
Health and Safety Regulations  for our workers and general public that  come into 
contact within our working areas. Our Statement Policy is shown below and is subject
to change at any time to improve our quality
1.     To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities.

2.     To provide and keep all plant and equipment in a safe and good working condition.

3.     To consult with our staff and clients while on site on all matters regarding there health 
        and safety.

4.     To ensure safe use and handling of all chemicals and substances.

5.     To provide information, instruction, and supervision for employees.

6.     To ensure all staff are competent to carry out there tasks in a safe manner and to 
        give them adequate training .

7.     To prevent accidents and cases of work-related illness.

8.     To maintain safe and healthy working conditions and to review and revise this policy
        as necessary at regular intervals.

9.     To make sure potential hazards are assessed with the use of public signaled etc.
MASTEX : Public and Employers Liability Insurance.
Working in the construction industry carries a lot of risks as it brings a lot of danger
to third parties, employees and employers.
MASTEX take these risks very seriously and as a caring and responsable
contractor we carry full PUBLIC and EMPLOYERS LIABILITY INSURANCE.
to the sum of £ 5.Million pounds.

Call us for a free ( no obligation ) survey and quotation on Tel : 0203-693-3797 or use the contact form below
Health And Safety Policy   
Kemp House, 152-169 City Road, London EC1V 2NX
Telephone : 0203-693-3797.  Email : mastex@mail.com
Web site : www.thermastex.com
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MASTEX PAVINGIndustrial CommercialReviewsHealth & SafetyCase Studies 1Case Studies 2Case Studies 3Case Studies 4Case Studies 5Case Studies 6

Helping Climate Change through sustainable building systems